Patrick – 8kg of Body Fat GONE for GOOD!!!

I always thought I was fit and healthy. Active in sport since my early teens,  I’d relied

on lots of cardio to keep in shape and didn’t pay too much attention to my diet.  As the years rolled by I kept in pretty good shape until a number of ‘distractions’ meant I couldn’t exercise and the weight piled on.  At 6’3” (1 metre 90cms) I thought that I hiding these gains quite well but when I look at photos of back then…it’s amazing what we can convince ourselves of. I was also finding that my energy wasn’t great and I certainly wasn’t happy with my shape.

After 18 weeks on a serious Herbalife programme I dropped 8 kgs – just under 3 stones and more than halved my body fat. I also experienced a massive increase in energy and have maintained that now for over 5 years.  And that was with a lot less exercise than I normally used to do!   People often think I’m 15-20 years younger than I am and of course I’m delighted with that ☺

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